Meet the Title IX Team

Kris Brown

Director Campus Safety

Email Address

Phone Number 570-372-4429

Amy Davis

Associate Director of Inclusion and Diversity

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Email Address

Phone Number 570-372-4590

Chelsey Eiel

Director of Title IX Compliance

Email Address

Phone Number 570-372-4321

Stephanie Johnson

Assoc Director of Athletics Compliance and Title Ix

Interim Head Volleyball Coach

Email Address

Phone Number 570-372-4605

Title IX Student Advisory Board

The objectives of the Student Advisory Board are to empower and educate student board members and execute communication plans with the student body. By providing student members with an in-depth understanding of the Title IX process, SU’s title IX policy, and reporting procedures we hope to equip students with the skills to serve as peer educators across campus. Additionally, we hope to create a feedback loop between the student body and the advisory board to gather student concerns re: policy, processes and procedures, as well as assist in developing effective awareness campaigns. To apply to join the Title IX Student Advisory Board, contact the Title IX Office.

Contact Us

Title IX

514 University Ave.

Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Degenstein Campus Center

Campus Map

Phone & Email
